Monday 6 July 2015

iPlay @ Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China

I'm so excited to share with my reader about this spectacular place. This is one of the most peaceful and relax lake that I've ever been to.

Some of travelers at LiJiang might have no interest to go to the Lugu Lake (aka Womens Kingdom) as the lake is quite far from LiJiang. It took about 9 hours to travel with the car or bus along the hilly and bumpy road. The road condition could be quite bad sometime. The landslide or heavy snow might occur on this road. Anyway, no pain no gain! We reached Lugu Lake finally!

The entrance fee for Lugu Lake is RMB100 for adult. Dear student, please bring along your student card to entitle the 50% discount. After passing by the toll, we can see the lake is surrounded by mountains and island. We felt like we are entering into a Jurassic world. My travel mates just went 'crazy' and start making noise with "WOW, wow, wow!!"

Picture says everything. Hope you enjoy these!

Wow!  Perfect reflection in the calm water. 

Flowers that floated on the lake looks like countless pearls.
Duckling in Lugu Lake are seem happier than others
Thanks to the blue sky with white cloud.
I slower down my walking pace to enjoy every little thing at here.
草海-Sea of grass

A new day has come. Time for work. 

The fisherman.
Like a mystery castle. 

Lugu Lake is an interesting place with a unique culture. I have learned a lot about the traditions and cultures of Lugu Lake from the local residents, friendly hostel staff, and internet as well. The lake's shores are inhabited by many minority ethnic groups, such as the Mosuo, Norzu, Yi, Pumi and Tibetan. The most numerous of these are the Mosuo people.  Mosuo women have taken on leader ship in their society for the past two thousand years. Thus, we call lugu lake as women kingdom too.

"Hello, is me again!" By the way, her name is Mui Mui.

Milky way. 

No skyscraper but the sky that full with stars. 

It is just nice to spend 3 days 2 night at here. There are a few things that you can do at Lugu Lake.
1. Rent a bike - you might require a very strong stamina.
2. Rent a motorbike - This sound fun to me but you have know how to ride it.
3. Rent a car or van.
we have 6 person here, so we decided to take option 3. It cost around RMB300 to rent a van.

I snapped this photo from the bus stop. Splendid scenery is everywhere.

Based on my research, there is a new route to shorten the distance to travel from Lijiang to Lugu lake to 5 hours.Also, a new airport that nearer to Lugu lake is expected to be opened in Oct 2015. Please visit here before it get commercialized.
Bye beautiful Lugu Lake, your beautiful will always in my memory.