Friday 2 January 2015

iPlay @ Brisbane, Australia

It is third-largest city in Australia.

My first destination today - Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary! This is an easy half-day trip. Located around 30 minutes from town, public transport to the here is so convenient.

Pay $35 to enter. Let’s go!

Unfriendly and super arrogant but damn adorable . How I wish I can bring them home.

Then, Kangaroo! they are just eat,sleep and poo in front of me :D

They are so lazy and good tempered. I was able to get a chance to see a mommy-kangaroo carrying her joey. *Heart melt*

Beside these, there are a lot of other animals inside the park such as Tasmania devil, wombat, birds and many more. The Sanctuary is totally worth a visit even if you are not an animal lover.

Peaceful surroundings. Hear the birds sing!

South bank Brisbane, this is perfect place to relax and unwind. Hope you can feel it too!
Eye of Brisbane and South Bank Parkland
 The gates are decorated with purple flowers during Spring.

Eye of Brisbane. With Oriental atmosphere.
Sun down. Brisbane River Bridges

Live performance at South Bank Parkland. This is FOC!!
Brisbane city light

Good night lovely Brisbane! *Yawn* It’s been an adventure!